The "LM Journal of Multidisciplinary Research" is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary research journal, published by Lanka Mahavidyalaya, Lanka, Hojai, Assam, India. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners all over the world to promote, share, develop and discuss various new ideas in the field of Natural Sciences, Arts & Humanitarian Sciences and Language & Literature. Manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published on upcoming Online Version of the journal.
The journal publishes original research
papers including but not limited to the following
areas: Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences,
Mathematical Sciences, Life Sciences, Economics,
Political Science, History, Philosophy, Teachers'
Education, Commerce, Business Administration,
Assamese Language and Literature, English Language
and Literature, Hindi Language and Literature, Bengali
Language and Literature, Manipuri Language and Literature, Nepali Language and Literature.
Mode of Publication : Online
Language of Publication : English only
Frequency of Publication : Two Volumes per
year ( March and September )
Nature of Publication : Multidisciplinary
Article Processing Charges : There is no
publication charges
Plagiarism : All the articles will be processed
through similarity test by appropriate Software before
publication in the journal.
Review Process : This journal uses double-
blinded review, which means that both the reviewer and
author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and
vice versa, throughout the review process. The articles
are submitted to minimum two reviewers specialized
on the topic for their reviews. The decision of the
Editor-in-Chief is final regarding publication of articles.
Submission of Research Article : Authors are requested to
submit their research articles electronically to